Saturday, September 19, 2009

day of service kick off

The Bennion-Lowell Center of the University of Utah has a huge day of service today. About 500 university students are out in the community doing a number of projects to improve South Salt Lake. And because the Bennion Center is one of my school's partners, they do the kickoff at my school. So this morning, all of the students and their families were invited to come to school. They served breakfast (bagels, juice, oranges, coffee) and then had a couple of people read stories. Then they had hundreds...probably a thousand or more...of books so each child could choose 2 or 3 books to take with them. University students were there to help kids select their books and then to read to them or listen to them read. Then they did face painting. They will wrap up their morning with a luncheon for the university volunteers (also at my school, but the luncheon is just for the volunteers). So my girls and I headed to my school this morning to participate. It was a lot of fun! It was great to see so many of my students and their families involved in this literacy event. And cute to see all the fun face painting. My girls loved getting their faces painted, and we're always happy to get more books!

Ella decided to have her face painted like a clown.
I had to shre this photo, because it really shows off Michelle's missing teeth. She has lost 5 now, although the two bottom ones have grown in. So there are 3 missing. So cute!

This is just a small sampling of the numbers of kids that came and participated in the event. Families came and left and came and left during a 2 hour period.


  1. WHAT AN AMAZING EVENT! That is a great idea! And the girls' faces looked DARLING yesterday! :)

  2. That IS a great event! How fun!

    Michelle's missing teeth gap is adorable!
