Saturday, September 26, 2009

Women's Meeting

I just returned home from the General Women's Meeting. Alfredo took the girls somewhere and the house is quiet. I, of course, have lots of things to do (such as fold the rest of the 8 loads of laundry I did today or finish vacuuming downstairs or grade 4 days worth of math homework), but I wanted to take a few minutes to record my thoughts. It is a wonderful thing to belong to Relief Society. President Eyring talked about the history and heritage of Relief Society. It is an amazing organization we belong to, one based on love and serving others. When I was in the Relief Society Presidency a few years ago, I learned a lot about charity and felt like I came to somewhat understand what it really means. I feel like I still understand, but don't always live it as well as I should. I truly do love my neighbors and the women in my ward, but I know I don't always show it as well as I could. I am an introverted extrovert. Is there such a thing? I love to talk and be surrounded by people. And yet, I also have a shy side. I often want to start talking to others, but unless I know them really well, I often can literally not think of a thing to say. But as our stake relief society president talked about, I need to take my hand out of my pocket (or step outside my comfort zone) and be friendly and kind to others. I need to be more diligent in visiting teaching. I know it is inspired and I always mean and want to do my visiting teaching, but I don't always follow through. And really I have no excuse. Our ward is very small... only a few streets wide. I can walk to any ward member's house within 5 minutes or I should be much better about visiting.

I really loved Sister Smith's talk. She started by talking about the warnings in the London tube (subway) to "Mind the Gap". She spoke about 3 gaps we need to mind. The first is that between believing we are daughters of God and knowing that we are precious and beloved by Him. This really was powerful. I have recited the Young Women's theme countless times, and I often get teary eyed as I say, "I am a daughter of Heavenly Father who loves me and I love Him." I know it is true. But sometimes as life gets busy and I make mistakes and I yell at my kids or argue with my spouse or I forget to pray or do other things, I begin to not feel that I am loved or worth loving. It is so easy to be hard on myself and see the ways that I need to improve. So this was a good reminder.
Her second gap was the gap between graduating from Young Women's and entering Relief Society as a participating member. They talked quite a bit tonight about Relief Society not being a class on Sunday, but being an organization that we are all members of--whether or not we attend on Sunday. I was reminded of quotes I've heard before that say that it is up to us to determine how much we will get out of church each week... if we are prepared spiritually to be edified, then we will be. Same with Relief Society, we will get about as much as we give.
Her third gap was the gap between believing in Jesus Christ and living in such a way as to qualify for his Atonement and return to live with Him. Her talk was very powerful.

I was so grateful to feel the spirit so strongly tonight.

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