Sunday, September 13, 2009

State Fair

Yesterday, we went as a family to the Utah State Fair. It was the first time for everyone (although I've been to the Arizona State Fair, and I think Alfredo's been to other state fairs as well). It was a lot of fun!! We watched a juggling show. We went to the Kachunga alligator show where he "wrestled" an alligator and taught a lot about alligators. It was two brothers and one talked and the other interacted with the alligator. The one who talked did a lot of teasing and joking and kept it entertaining and informative. We didn't have great spots to watch but we all enjoyed it.

Michelle got to go on the sky jumper thing where you get hooked in and then jump on a big pillow way into the sky. She absolutely loved it, although she was a tiny bit disappointed that she couldn't flip. She tried, but just couldn't do it. But she launched herself as high as it would go. No fear of heights for her!

The kids went on tons of rides...most of the rides there and several rides they went on 2 or 3 times.

We also enjoyed looking at all of the animals and petting many of them. Michelle especially loved the bunnies. Unfortunately, both Ella and Gabrielle missed the bunnies...they fell asleep in the stroller and were OUT! (We saw most of the animals at the beginning of our day, but the bunnies and birds at the end.) Michelle also got a kick out of the fruits and vegetables. There were huge pumpkins and also vegetables and fruits carved to look like animals and other shapes.

I was hoping to see the Bear show but we missed it and were too tired to stay until the next showing. But we spent a little over five hours and had a great time!

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  1. Wow! I think I'm going to check that out next year. It looks like you guys had a blast.

  2. Hi,
    Fun to see my book, The Chicken of the Family, listed among your current faves! I have a Readers Theater script as well as a Musical version of the book, too. Singing and dancing chickens! So fun! Thanks for reading.

  3. That looks like so much fun! Your girls are so dang cute!! I will have to take the kids, I never have taken them.

  4. The fair looks fun! We haven't been in a few years...looks like it's time to go back! Glad you guys had a nice time!
