Sunday, April 3, 2011

Music Show and Tell for Michelle

Wednesday was Michelle's music show and tell at school. I love that I was able to go to these...and on Thursday I was able to volunteer in each of the girls' classrooms. :)

Michelle's class sang Los Colores and America the Beautiful. They also did a couple of rhythm and singing games and played instruments during these songs. They first used rhythm sticks, bells, and drums. Then they used a metalaphone, xylophone and glockenspiels.

Two of Michelle's closest friends, Liliana and Amelia, are in this photo.

At the end, they sang "I bought Me a Cat" by Aaron Copeland.

I bought me a cat
my cat pleased me
I fed my cat under yonder tree
My cat says fiddle eye fee.
(and so on). For each time the animal made it's sound a different child played an instrument that sounded similar to the sound that the animal made. Other students were holding puppets of each animal.

Mrs. Shorten has done a wonderful job of teaching them. Michelle was so excited the other day when reading a book called "A Mouse Called Wolf" about a mouse named Wolfgang Amadeus Mouse who loves music and can sing beautifully because Wolf (his nickname) was singing songs written by Beethoven, Brahms, and Mozart and she knew who all three were because Miss Shorten had taught them about each of these composers. :)

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