Monday, November 26, 2012


I have so much to be grateful for. I really felt it this year. I think I do each year at this time of year, but this year it felt especially poignant. Partly because I kept a gratitude journal specifically about my family. Partly because I was particularly diligent in my scripture study and studied about gratitude. Partly because I read that wonderful book Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. Partly because I've been making a conscientious effort to find small ways to serve and help others and be more kind and thoughtful. Partly because I read other people's updates on Facebook daily about what they were grateful for. And perhaps most of all because I stole my friend Sara's idea and made a grateful tree with my children this year.

We missed a few days...and a couple of days we just said what we were thankful for, but most days we each wrote down on a leaf what we were thankful for and added it to our thankful tree which is hanging in Michelle and Ella's bedroom.

I challenged each of us to think of something new to write each day, and the girls did a wonderful job. Gabby wanted to say family members over and over, but with a little prompting she was able to come up with other things as well.

Michelle has been learning at school to not use drugs or smoke. On one of her leaves she wrote "everything in the world except drugs". We had things like answers to prayers and socks, flowers, our car, new boots, organization, a clean house, electronics, the Atonement, Chester, 5 days off together, and Cookie Crisp cereal (I usually won't buy it but I did this month). Michelle wrote that she is thankful for mistakes. So am I, because we can learn from them and we can repent after we make them. We have so much to be thankful for.

My friend Brandi posted on facebook that her visiting teacher asked her what she is thankful for that she hadn't really given much thought of. She asked friends to answer the question too. Here was my response:
"The blessings of living in a nation with freedom, the right to vote and disagree (but preferably respectfully) about who will make the best leader... education is something I think about all the time, so that isn't one I hadn't considered..But still one I am grateful for. And lately, I feel very grateful for answers to prayers, even little ones. I am grateful that my husband and I have jobs and a home and that we have never had to use church or government assistance. I am grateful that my children are healthy. I am grateful that my children don't have special needs because my niece and nephew do and it is so hard for my sister to do all that she needs to for them...she is so remarkable as a mother and while I think I am a good mom, I am glad that I have been blessed with pretty good kids. I don't mean that as an insult in any way to children with special needs or parents of children with special fact, quite the opposite....I have such admiration for parents that unselfishly do so much to help and advocate for their child...but I am glad that is not a challenge I was given. I am grateful for running water and heat."

And these things are just the beginning. I have so much more to be grateful for. Of course, at the top of the list are my family. Who I got to spend 5 wonderful days with. I feel especially thankful for this, because Alfredo was planning to drive to California for the whole weekend for a cousin's wedding. But we didn't have a good feeling about it, and his uncle who was supposed to drive with him cancelled, and so at the last minute, Alfredo decided to stay home. It felt extra wonderful having him around when I'd expected to have him gone.
Thanksgiving Day was spent at my aunt and uncle's house. My sister Suzy was there too. It was delicious and fun to be with family, including Phil's kids and grandkids.

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