Sunday, September 6, 2020

Generosity Stranger Grocery

 A couple of years ago I went grocery shopping at Winco.  Winco is fantastic...but doesn't accept credit cards, only debit cards, cash or checks...and you bag your own groceries.  I got all my groceries and got in line and began bagging my groceries.  When the cashier was nearly done scanning all of my purchases, I began to look through my wallet for my debit card.  It wasn't there.  And neither was my checkbook.  I had no way to pay.  I looked again.  Nothing.  I was mortified and frustrated...and asked the cashier if there were a way to suspend the transaction so I could run home and get my checkbook (if I couldn't find my debit card...I wasn't sure where it would be if not in my purse) and come back.  I apologized profusely.  Just as she was about to suspend the transaction, the couple behind me in line offered to pay for my groceries.  It was a couple hundred dollars and I asked them if they were sure. They said yes. I asked for their names and number so I could repay them and they said no...just pay it forward some day.  I thanked them again and loaded the rest of my groceries into my cart and headed home.  I was humbled and grateful for their generosity.  

LESSONS LEARNED:  We all make mistakes or have times when we need the help of others.  Accept it gratefully.

Be generous and kind to others.  

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