Tuesday, August 5, 2008

don't kill me

Two nights ago, Ella didn't want to go to sleep and was screaming that she wanted to get up out of bed. Alfredo handled it all very well and told her she had to go to bed and wouldn't let her come out and play. So then Ella started yelling loudly, "Stupid mommy, don't kill me. Stupid mommy, don't kill me." Where she picked this up from, I really am not sure. I wasn't even in the room. But she was loud. Alfredo joked that we'd have a knock on the door from the police in a few minutes because the neighbors could probably hear her. Ella is a feisty one. She is sweet and smart and beautiful, but when she's mad, watch out. She has a temper.


  1. Once (at church) my sister got in trouble. Dad came over to scold her and she yelled: "DON'T BEAT ME DADDY, PLEASE DON'T BEAT ME!!!!" Wow! I've never scene Dad so angry!! We laugh about it now.

  2. She is SO feisty! And I love it! She will never be one to get pushed around at school! I was laughing so hard at what she was saying my eyes started watering. Will you have that baby tonight, please? :)

  3. At least you can say that it wasn't in public ;) She will undoubtedly take care of herself as she grows up!

  4. Still no baby, Nene. If I knew of a definite way to go into labor this moment, I would do it. I promise you'll know as soon as I do...the girls are excited for their sleepover.

    Thank goodness this wasn't in public. And I'm sure the neighbors couldn't REALLY hear her, but we had to send Michelle upstairs to sleep in our room until Ella calmed down. The funny thing is that I wasn't in the room or doing anything. Yet it was me she was yelling at.

  5. still NO baby????? come on now..it says ZERO days on the counter!! :) (don't kill me for saying that...j/k)

  6. That is so funny...and I am so glad that other peoples children say crazy things like my kids do:)

    I won't hound you about the whole "where the heck is your baby" thing!
