Sunday, September 20, 2009

3 of 10: Take A Quiz

Creating Keepsake Challenge 3: Take a Quiz. I didn't really love either of the quizzes they included in the magazine, so I found a quiz in an old issue of their magazine. Here are my answers:

If you could have one superpower, what would it be: I usually say flying, because I hate driving in traffic and would like to get places faster. But really, I hate heights, so that probably really wouldn't be that great. Probably, I'd like to be like Bewitched and be able to wiggle my nose and have dinner done or the house cleaned.

What chore do you dislike the most? Hmm, I almost never clean my windows. I hate taking out the trash. I absolutely HATE cleaning the oven.

What was the last movie you saw at the theatres? The Proposal. Very cute and funny. I want to see several movies right now, but I usually end up waiting until they come on video.

What is your favorite song? I like lots of songs. I especially like country songs that remind me to appreciate life. I love the song "Let them Be Little". I also love Josh Groban.

What do you eat for lunch? I almost always eat leftovers from the night before. If I don't have leftovers, then I eat a Healthy Choice frozen meal.

What makes you mad? When people do things that are unfair/mean to kids. That is especially true if it is my kids, but also true when I hear about reports of things on the news or see it in my school. Adults should not hurt kids. PERIOD.

Where would you like to go on vacation next year? I would really like to go to Costa Rica. We will probably go to Disneyland or Canada. I'm excited to go to Canada, as my sister lives there and I've never been there. Really, I love to travel and have a long list of places I'd like to go.


  1. I'm with you on the hurting kids thing... really makes me beyond ANGRY!!! This was a good quiz.. I liked it.. and Bewitched - FOR SURE!

  2. I didn't love the quizes included either... BUT I have read that magazine cover to cover about 4 or 5 times. THANKS for making me think of scrapping again!! :)

  3. I loved the facts about you! I always think my super power of choice, would be stopping time BUT I would really rather have lots of powers...I know...I'm a little greedy!
