Friday, September 18, 2009

Yes? No? High Five!

Gabrielle is starting to be able to communicate what she wants. She can shake her head no and nod yes. (And she knows what she wants! She is not afraid to tell you.) She can point and then if you ask, "Do you want ___?" she will shake or nod to tell you if you got it right. It's fun to be able to understand her. She also loves to give high fives. Take a look at these shots of her giving a high five to her daddy.

Look at the pure joy on her face!!

Have I mentioned that she likes routines? She put herself on a napping schedule (I'm sure my babysitter did assist with that too). All summer she was almost like clockwork...woke up about the same time, took naps at the same time, went to sleep at the same time. My other two were never that consistent. Now she has a routine each morning. After Alfredo showers and dresses, he comes into the kitchen. I'm usually finishing up breakfast. Gabrielle walks over to the backdoor and expects Alfredo to pick her up and take her outside with him as he feeds Chester. She is not happy if she doesn't get to go say hi each morning (and usually each evening after we get home too). She loves Chester. In fact, she says both "woof" and "perro" and she doesn't say many words yet. And she adores her daddy.

She also is turning into a climber. A few days ago, we were downstairs watching a movie. Gabrielle had climbed the stairs and after a few minutes, I decided I better go check on her. So, I went upstairs. She'd climbed up on our glass coffee table and was just sitting there, as happy as can be.

She is a delight! When you hold her, she'll put her head on your shoulder and then pat your back. She is so sweet. She also loves to give kisses and "head butts" (softly bumping foreheads...I'm really not sure how this got started but it's our new favorite way of showing affection with Gabrielle...including Michelle and Ella giving her head butts. But it's not something we ever did before having her.) I am so grateful to have her in our family.


  1. How sweet! It is always so lovely to get those special moments where a little one wraps their arms around your neck and lays their head on your shoulder.
