Monday, September 21, 2009

Asking & Answering Questions...

Today, when we arrived at Michelle's school, someone (almost certainly gang member) had spray painted graffiti on the wall of her school. Michelle was upset by it. By the time I picked her up after school, the graffiti was gone, painted over. The whole way home she talked about it and asked questions. She wanted to know why people would do that, and what it meant and why people do bad things and what happens if the people got caught spray painting. She saw them taking photos of the graffiti and asked why they did that. She asked why there are bad people and what gangs are and who made bad people. She really needed to process what had made her sad and worried and maybe a little scared. So I listened to and answered her questions the best I could, including a discussion about making choices and about choosing to do what is right. Which led to a discussion about the Savior and about Satan. She told her friend who came over to play about it and her dad about it. Then at bedtime, she was worried that she might have bad dreams because of it, and asked me to pray with her that she could forget and sleep.

I am not perfect at it, but I try to honestly listen when Michelle asks questions (and she asks a lot!) and to answer them if I can. If I can't, I try to remember the question and find out the answer. Of course, I don't always follow through when I don't know the answer, but I do try. I also try to answer Ella's questions and when Gabrielle gets bigger, I will do my best to answer her questions as well. Sometimes it can get annoying when kids ask "Why? Why? Why?" But I can remember my grandpa always telling me when I was a child that asking questions and being inquisitive helped you to learn and showed your intelligence. So I try to encourage their question asking and to answer as often as I can.

That is my Proud Mommy Moment for this Monday. If you'd like to share something that you have done right as a mom, hop on over to Shannon'sand join in the fun!

Also, if you're looking for ideas of something to blog about, my friendEvette is starting a weekly family history journal topic. Each Tuesday, she will post a topic and you can blog about it and then link to her blog.


  1. You are a good mom Jen, and a good example. You are patient and sincere and you do a great job teaching your children.

    Also, I loved your thoughts on Stake Conference. Thanks, as usual, for your insight.

  2. That takes so much patience Jenny. I try to do the same thing when Emma asks question, sometimes I wonder if she understands my explaination. I agree with your grandpa. I is important.

  3. That is a wonderful thing to be proud is so easy to get caught up in all of our daily tasks and to forget to stop and listen. I try as well, but I know there are times that I should be listening and I'm not. Thank you for being such a great example!

  4. Thank you for listening to your kids... I don't think enough people actually LISTEN to their children! I am guilty, at times, of just trying to get through a conversation so that i can finish the dishes, or finish cleaning, or finish washing the dishes, BUT... I try my best to always answer my kids' questions, too... it is so important for your kids to be able to talk to you about ANYTHING when they are little, because when they grow up, they will know that you will still be there for them! :) GREAT mommy moment, Jenny! :)

  5. That's a terrific mommy moment! My kids don't ask a lot of questions...maybe I'm not a good listener. Hope that's not the case. I definately think that when they do though, we need to do our best to provide answers...especailly to the tough questions, 'cause if WE don't answer them, They're friends or someone else will for sure!
    Way to go mamma!!
