Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Day in My Life (Family History Journal)

6:00 Wake up. Take bath and read in tub or shower and then read for 15 minutes.

6:30 Get dressed, begin breakfast, do hair.

7:00 Wake kids. Feed family. Get kids ready for school/babysitter's.

7:30 Socks, shoes, coats on. Any last minute prep. Load everything into car.

7:45 Leave for work/school. Drop kids off at babysitters with all their stuff. Take Michelle to school. (This moves up to 7:30 if it is snowing!)

8:10 Arrive at Michelle's school. Wait with her until 8:15 when her bell rings. Drive to my school. Finish any last minute prep.

8:40-3:10 Teach my third graders.

3:10-4 or 4:30 Do prep work for the next day. Plan lessons, grade papers, etc.

4:30 Pick Michelle up.

5-5:15 Pick Ella and Gabrielle up.

5:30 Get home. Kids play while I cook dinner and tidy up kitchen.

6:00 Eat dinner (after Alfredo gets home).

6:30 Michelle does homework (and sometimes Ella too, if I can find something for her to do) while I do dishes and clean the kitchen.

7-7:30 Play with kids, tidy house, etc.

7:30 Baths for all 3 girls and get ready for bed. Alfredo gives Gabby a bottle and then she goes to her crib. I help girls brush teeth. Then we read stories and say prayers.

8:15-8:30 Lights out. It usually takes until 8:30 for this to actually happen. Then Ella often doesn't stay in her room or if she does she often plays for another hour.

I then continue tidying house, use the computer--blog or email or facebook, (eat some ice cream or drink a cup of hot chocolate...bad, I know!), grade schoolwork, spend a little time with Alfredo, read for a few minutes, sometimes watch tv...but only if I have laundry to fold or papers to grade while watching tv.

10:15 Get ready for bed. Go to bed between 10:30 and 11.

If you want to write about your daily schedule, head over to Evette's to see the weekly Family History Journal and add your link.


  1. Jenny! You are amazing! You are one busy and organized girl. It's incredible everything we have to fit into a day isn't it?!

  2. That's a busy day! But who made you feel that having ice cream or a hot chocolate is BAD? Live it up sister!!!! I think I might adopt that part of your day into my routine!! Thanks for sharing and encouraging other to do the same, who knows, maybe one day there might be another contributor other than you and Melissa :O)

  3. I agree with Aly, you ARE amazing! That sounds like a fun thing to write about...schedules. I'm not sure I have one though...maybe that's my problem!!

  4. Evette: I only think that ice cream/hot chocolate are bad at that time of day...right before bed! And I also know that I eat too many sweets... and that is probably the main reason that I haven't lost all my baby weight. Oh well!!
    But I look forward to my little treat every night, and I feel like I deserve it after what is a busy day each day.

    Aly: I wish I was WAY MORE organized. I'm organized in the sense that I have a great routine and know what needs to get done but not organized in my housekeeping or even the way I always approach my list of things to do. Oh well.

    Brandi: You do too have a schedule! You run 3 preschool classes and have 3 kids of your won. That keeps you plenty busy.

  5. What a BUSY day... sounds a lot like MINE!

  6. YOU ARE AMAZING!!! Could you maybe teach a class or something on how to be more organized. I don't know how you do it Jen. You are always so put together and even more important...SO POSITIVE and HAPPY! You are such a good example. I want to be like you when I grow up (even though I am sure you are younger than me).
