Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Giving Thanks (a little late is better than never, right?)

I've wanted to take a few moments to record what I'm grateful for. There are so many things. My life is not perfect, but I am so truly blessed and feel the desire to give thanks for what I do have.

So here are some of the things I'm grateful for:
1. My husband: He is a great father. He works hard. He is very organized. He makes us all laugh. He is talented and intelligent and a very loyal friend.

2. Michelle: She is so sweet and smart and athletic. She likes things neat and organized. She is a great sister and a good helper. She loves church and loves the Savior.

3. Ella: Ella is my cuddle bug. She loves to be held and loves to hug you and say she loves you. She loves books and she can hardly wait for kindergarten next year. She is kind of shy, although she talks a lot at home.

4. Gabrielle: Gabrielle knows what she wants and is trying so hard to communicate with us now. She loves to eat and chase her sisters and she delights us all with her smile and laugh. My life is so much richer becuase I'm a mother to these precious girls.

5. My Savior Jesus Christ: I am so thankful for my Savior. I know He died for me. He is my Example, my brother, my friend.

6. My parents: They taught me by example. My mom is truly the most patient person I have ever known. So much of who I am today and who I hope to become is due to my parents. And I am blessed to have a mom, dad, and stepdad who have helped shape my life.

7. My sisters: I have two younger sisters. They are both smart, talented, commmitted to the gospel, and absolutely amazing. I'm so glad that they are my friends and my sisters.

8. My job: It is hard to work full time with a family, but I care deeply for my students and I'm passionate about teaching.

9. My education: I had a great education in elementary and high school and a fabulous education at BYU. I'm thankful that my kids are also getting great educations now.

10. And speaking of number 9, I'm thankful that BYU beat the U!!! Hee Hee. Had to throw that in there since so many of my neighbors are Ute fans. BYU is the best!

11. This amazing country and the freedoms we have. We are so blessed to live here.

12. Public libraries: I love to read. I love to read to my children. I love to read to my students. I love, love, love to read. I could never afford to buy all the books I read (although my husband would tell you that I still have an impressive collection of books and he'd be right!) I am glad to have libraries to borrow books, books, and more books. For free. And I can even put them on hold and just walk into the library and grab exactly what I want quickly. And they have lots of free programs for kids/families. The library is awesome!!!

13. Books.

14. Ice Cream. Chocolate. Hot chocolate. Other goodies.

15. My car. I'm glad to have reliable transportation.

16. My friends. I have great friends. I am so thankful for them.

17. The internet. It's a great way to find information, keep in touch with friends and family, etcetera.

18. My washing machine. I simply can't imagine having to wash all our laundry by hand. My vaccuum. All the other modern conveniences we have.

19. The beauty of this world. Mountains. Flowers. Rivers. Trees. Animals. This is an amazing world we live in.

20. Smiles, hugs, laughter, happy times. Tears, sorrow and problems so you appreciate the smiles, hugs, laughter and good times.

12/2 Edited to add: I am thankful for my house! I nearly burned it down last night (well maybe not quite, but I forgot I was cooking a chicken and all the water boiled out and there was a prodigious amount of smoke. The smoke alarm went off for a long while until we could get enough smoke out to get it to stop. I guess I'm also thankful for smoke alarms.

And a couple other things I forgot: Good health. Also, food. In our society, so much of our celebration, gatherings, etc. center around food. And we can eat not just to survive but also to enjoy wonderful tastes. For some reason this Thanksgiving, I got thinking about all the people (past and present) around the world that struggle just to provide enough food to survive. We are so lucky to have an abundance of food. To be able to have holiday parties and Thanksgiving feasts. I am truly grateful to live when and where I do!!!!

I am so blessed!!


  1. I LOVED reading about all you're thankful for this season. Thank you for sharing ... and you're right it's never too late.
    I'm grateful to have you as a blogging friend!

  2. No, never too late...ever! We are very blessed. I know that in my thankfulness posts, I've not mentioned everything I wanted to. I was thinking of even continuing on through December.
    I enjoyed reading your list.

  3. I am thankful for you. I love your #9 too!
