Monday, May 27, 2013

6 Ten Year Olds ... and Me

Usually we throw a combined birthday party for Michelle and Ella. It's a pretty big bash, and their birthdays are two weeks apart, and that has always worked for us. But this year, Ella had the big baptism and birthday bash, and Michelle celebrated separately. Last Friday, (May 24) we had no school. So Michelle invited 3 friends from school and 2 friends from the neighborhood to her party. We ate lunch and had cake and ice cream at our house. Then she opened presents.

Then Ella and Gabby went to play at Aly's house and I loaded 6 ten year olds into my van and we headed to Planet Play. The kids did laser tag twice. They rode the cars.

Then we did miniature golfing and bowling.

The kids all got along well. They laughed and giggled, screamed and teased and I think they all had a good time. And I survived the day with 6 ten year olds. :) No, really, it was a lot of fun. I'm glad we did it.

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