Monday, July 27, 2009


Uh, oh! I have another monkey on my hands. Michelle has been a climber since she learned to walk...Ella was a little bit, but nothing compared to Michelle. But Gabrielle is determined to be another climber.

Tonight, at bath time, I turned the water on in the tub and left Gabrielle on the floor of the bathroom with Michelle while I ran to Gabby's room for maybe 30 seconds. Suddenly, Michelle yelled and I came running. Gabrielle had climbed into the tub, fully clothed.

As I ran into the bathroom, this is what I saw... Gabrielle in the tub, still clothed, and drinking the water. I called her name and she looked up at me, eyes filled with joy. She loves to take baths, but apparently, taking a bath with her clothes still on is the best thing ever! Especially when she got herself into the tub.

Boy am I in trouble with two climbers! I'd already been worried, because I've seen her trying to climb onto the living room table and other not-so-safe locations. Now I can't leave her unattended for a moment. (I should mention that tonight she got herself caught in the grocery cart when she was trying to climb out of it and somehow wedged her foot into a tiny space between two bars. Boy was she unhappy! I am sure it hurt, but I think she was also really mad that she couldn't climb out of the cart.)


  1. We were just talking about Michelle the other night...
    at least you can say that your girls don't have much fear!

  2. Gracie also loves climbing into the tub fully clothed. Crazy little climbers.

    I love your Old Testament prophet idea. Isn't it great when you know they have actually retained something you have taught? That really is a fantastic idea. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. Oh man she is totally trouble! Totally CUTE trouble!

  4. I have had an entirely new experience with Sofie and CLIMBING!! Annie and Max NEVER cared to climp anywhere. Sofie has done the tub thing a few times too...along with the table and the bunny cage and the trampoline...etc, etc, etc...AAAAAAHHHH!!!!

  5. S-C-A-R-Y!
    when "Sue" was a baby, she was a climber. She got out of the grocery cart and fell head first on the concrete floor of Sam's Club. Ouch!
    Good luck! :)
