Sunday, January 12, 2014

Graveside Service

There was a very nice graveside service for Phil. He really wanted his nephew to play the bagpipes, and his nephew was able to do that. (It was quite cold, which didn't agree with the bagpipes so much, but he did a wonderful job.)

Because Phil served in the Coast Guard, he was able to have a military burial. Taps was played, and two soldiers folded the flag and presented it to my aunt. Then each of the pallbearers placed their boutinniere on the casket. Then my stepdad dedicated the grave.

I was touched by how many people came to the viewing, funeral and graveside service. I was touched by how one life touches so many others. I was also so very thankful for the outpouring of love that I personally felt. Alfredo's aunt and cousin, who have met my uncle a few times but don't know him well, came to the viewing to show their love for me. That meant so much. So many kind words were spoken to me by family, friends, and neighbors. My dear, dear Relief Society presidency brought me dinner on Monday night. They also brought a card and a Willow Tree figurine. I can't express in words very well how blessed I have been. As I serve, my heart is touched and my life is blessed so much more than I deserve and so much more than I possibly give. I am so thankful for a presidency that loves and sustains me and does so much to serve the sisters in my ward. I am so thankful for a Savior that makes it possible for families to be together forever, for loved ones to be reunited. I am thankful for the Holy Ghost's role as a comforter. I am thankful to be surrounded by so many that love me and bless my life and bless my family.

Here are photos of some of the people that were at the graveside. Many of them are family. Most of them are people that have had an influence on my life. All of them are important in my aunt and uncle's life.

After the graveside service, we returned to the church where the Relief Society served a very nice luncheon for the family. I am so thankful for their service. So thankful for all who helped the day to go smoothly and made it a little easier for my aunt.

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