Sunday, November 8, 2020

Peace Election Division

 Tuesday was a presidential election and people's emotions were high.  There is so much division in our country right now.  And I felt sick about the election because I don't think either person is fit to run our country.   Last Sunday I felt so worried.  I still hadn't decided for sure who to vote for.  I felt physically ill about either candidate winning.  So I fasted.  And I had the most beautiful Sabbath.  Sara bore her testimony and talked about how there are lots of things she doesn't know but when she gets worried or overwhelmed she comes back to what she does know...that God is good, that He loves His children, that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, that we have a living prophet, that God hears and answers our prayers.  That brought a lot of peace.  And then I felt the spirit so strong during the sacrament and felt an overwhelming wave of gratitude that these priesthood holders serve me by performing the sacrament ordinance for me, for each of us.  And each week I choose a new name of the Savior to study and ponder.  Sometimes I feel really led to know which one to choose and other times I don't.  But last Sunday, Prince of Peace came forcefully.  And I knew both that I needed that name this week..but also that my Heavenly Father really wanted me to share peace.  And all week that is what I felt.  Peace.  Peace when I heard we wouldn't be going back to school until at least January even though I desperately wanted to go back now.  Peace as we waited days for the election results.  Peace as I looked at happy, sad, despairing and celebratory posts.  I told Jackie, Laurel and Sara that I was probably in the eye of a storm...and the other side of the storm would hit soon...but it was a feeling of complete calm even though I knew a storm was raging.  Biden won and I have genuine concerns...but I  still feel peace.  My life is in the hands of the Prince of Peace, our founder of peace (Mosiah 15:18) and I will be okay.

Also, I absolutely LOVE being able to attend Relief Society and Young Women's.  As much as I wish we could just be back at church like normal, one beautiful blessing of this time is that I can attend Relief Society via Zoom at 1:30 and then Young Women's via Zoom at 2:30.  We have such remarkable women in our ward and I'm so grateful to be able to learn from them and feel of our shared love for the Savior.

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