Sunday, November 22, 2020

Susan Owen Leadership

 Susan Gustafson taught the YW (over Zoom) today.  She talked about being a Christlike leader.  She asked them to consider how they would feel if they went on an unfamiliar hike at night with only a flashlight...and needing to lead others.  Would they feel confident?  What if you had to go on this same hike at night but you followed a guide that had been on this trail hundreds of times?  What if you went on the trail with the guide numerous times, then would you feel confident to lead others?

She shared an experience from Stephen Owen, former General Young Men's president.  At age 12, he went hunting with his dad.  One morning, at 3 AM, they saddled their horses and went to the trail.  He felt nervous.  It was dark and he wasn't sure where they were going.  But his dad reassured him that everything would be okay.  And it was.  Years later, he brought his dad back to this area and they went to a spot called Windy Ridge.  He felt a little nervous, but again his dad led them safely there.  He recounts:  
"Finally we made it to the top of Windy. The view was exhilarating, and the overwhelming feeling I had was that I wanted to come back—not for me this time but for my wife and my children. I wanted them to experience what I had experienced.

Over the years, I’ve had many opportunities to lead my sons and other young men to mountaintops, just as my father led me. These experiences have prompted me to ponder what it means to lead—and what it means to follow."

Christ, of course, is both the greatest leader and the greatest follower.  Christ possesses every attribute of the best leaders.  

Susan had us read several verses of scripture that talk about attributes that good leaders have:  John 13:1-6, Jarom 1:7, D&C 121:34-46, D &C 101:42, 3 Nephi 18:16, and 3 Nephi 27:  21, 27.  She also read a quote from President Nelson about good leaders.

He said (paraphrased) that good leaders:

*Set an example

*are humble

*possess spiritual strength

*are loyal and expect loyalty




*possess knowledge

Listening to that list, I possess some of those attributes but I still need to work on some of them!  (Susan was very kind and said that these young women were blessed to be led by a wonderful leader, called to serve them at this time, and that one of the greatest attributes I possess is love.  And the love part is true.  I deeply love the young women.  I deeply love the Lord.  I have felt a lot lately that I'm not qualified, that I don't know how to handle the challenges we are all facing right now.  Despite my efforts, only about half of the young women attend at all.  It makes me so sad.  I'm not sure how to change it, but it makes me SO sad.  And looking through the list, I definitely have several areas of weakness.)

I am so grateful for great leaders.  President Nelson is an outstanding leader.  Bishop Carlson was an amazing leader.  Bishop Harding is a great leader.  Chris John and Shelly Estes were great YW leaders when I was a girl.  President Gilliland and President Stevens (in the stake presidency when I was a teenager) were great leaders.  Sheri Dew was a leader that I felt changed my life.  Elder Holland is a great leader--as are each of the apostles.   This church is full of dedicated, devoted men and women who are great leaders because they follow Christ.  I want to be the best leader I can be, and as Susan and Brother Owen pointed out, the best way to do that is to become ever more like Jesus Christ.

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