Wednesday, June 11, 2008

April's Reads... for my records

Life You Longed For by Maribeth Fischer
When Secrets Die by Lynn Hightower (both of these first two were about Munchausen by Proxy syndrome... both novels, both interesting)
Point of Entry by Peter Schecter (novel about terrorism)
The Hungry Tide by Amitav Ghosh (set in India, about tigers and dolphins, quite good)
Persian Pickle Club
Spellman Files by Lisa Lutz (so-so)
Havoc by Jack DuBrul


  1. Did you know it's June! Kidding! Cute picture of the girls on the teeter-totter! I bet they play with it all the time!!!

  2. Did you know we're going to start our book club back up again on the 24th? We're going to meet up and choose books for the rest of the year. Love to have you there!

  3. I have YW on the 24th, but I would love to be involved the rest of the time if I can...

    I got kind of behind, but May and June's reads are on the side bar. (At the beginning of each month, I usually post the previous month's reads on the side bar and then move the month before's reads over just to keep a permanent record. But I never posted May's reads and moved April's over, so yesterday I posted May and June together. :)

    My girls do love the teeter totter. Not quite as much as their bikes, but it's a big hit. Does Ty love his?
