Thursday, June 19, 2008

Some facts about Ella... just because

Here are a few things to know about Ella: She loves to wear dresses and skirts. In fact lately, she wears a dress or skirt every day because if I try to put anything else on, she either throws a fit or takes the clothes off and finds a skirt to wear.

When she is pretending, she has a different voice, sort of a "mommy" voice.

We always get compliments/comments about her big brown eyes.

She loves rocks... she has an obsession with rocks. Everywhere we go, she bends over and picks up rocks. Big ones, shiny ones, smooth ones, rough ones, tiny ones, pretty ones, plain ones. Perhaps she'll be a geologist? She has loved rocks since the time she learned to walk. She used to make me so nervous, because she'd stuff one or more in her mouth and then have more in each hand. As a new walker, I was afraid she'd trip and swallow one.

She is a talker. Often, people think she's quiet/shy. She is around strangers sometimes. And around a lot of men. But she can talk. She had about 50 words by the time she was 15 months (i kept track) and even a couple of two and 3 word phrases like "wan up momma". Now she talks and talks.

She calls me "Mama" and Alfredo "daddy".

She hates getting her hair brushed and styled.

She loves books ("bookies"... that's her term for books). She loves to be read to, but she also "reads" to herself a lot.

She is so proud to be a big girl and be going to preschool...even though she always cries when I drop her off and tries to cling to me. But she does fine once I'm gone.

She can be very stubborn. She knows what she wants and doesn't like when she doesn't get her way. (Oh well!)

She loves to talk to people on the phone (thanks to so many of you for indulging her) but when she's ready to be done, she usually starts talking in jibberish. Then she'll hand the phone back to me. (But good luck prying it from her fingers before then!)

She loves dinosaurs. Her favorite movie is Land Before Time (any of them...but thankfully, we only one one... The Great Day of the Fliers). She loves books that have dinosaurs, especially Dinosaurumpus. She has foam dinosaurs that she loves to play with. She loves dinosaurs.


  1. oh and she doesn't wear glasses... but she likes to try on her daddy's every once in a while.

  2. What a cutie she is! I've got another dino book for you that we've just discovered. It's called "Can I Have A Stegosaurus Mom? Please? Can I?" It's our recent favorite.

  3. Thanks for the sharing the cute little things about Ella!
    She is a sweet little girl!

  4. I'll check that dino book out. Thanks carin.

  5. That's my Ella Bo Bella - I just LOVE her! And Michelley Belly too!

  6. She is SO cute!! And don't forget that when she is pretending she likes to flip her hair! So CUTE! I just wanna give her a lil hug right now! Nene and I have close nick names for her, mine is: Ella Bella Boo!
