Monday, June 2, 2008


On Sunday morning, I was finishing up preparing a lesson for young womens. Michelle decided she needed paper like mine to write on. She first wrote Ella's name several times by herself. Then she wanted a big piece of paper to write on. With my help sounding out the words (but not actually telling her any of the letters) she wrote all of our names plus Dora and Isa. She was so proud that she had to take her paper to church and show all of the young women. (She had a yucky cold so I didn't want her to go to primary and share with all of the kids. She did a pretty good job of being reverent while I taught the young women. And she thought she was pretty special to get to go to class with me. She and Ella sometimes come to the activities but never to class.)

Here she is, still in her nightgown, busily writing.
Her strip of paper with Ella written. She wrote this all on her own.
I'm impressed. She wrote her J backwards and one of the N's, but she's doing pretty well I think. My sweet girl.


  1. That really is AMAZING!!!! I am very impressed!!! Good job Michelle!!!

  2. great job Michelley Belly!
    Mrs. B.
