Thursday, June 26, 2008

run away

Last night Alfredo and I made Michelle mad. I can't remember why; probably because we told her it was time to come inside and stop playing. Anyway, she told us that we weren't her best friends anymore (her usual response when angry). Then a minute later she comes in and says, "I'm mad at you. I'm going to run away." Alfredo got a little angry, but I was mainly puzzled. Where would she hear something like that? Does she even know what that means?

So I got her to calm down and I said, "Michelle, what does it mean to run away?" She said she didn't know but that her friend Jenni (who is 8 and lives across the street) told her that she should tell us that if we weren't nice to her then she would run away. I hugged her and explained what it meant and that if she ran away she wouldn't get to see Mommy or Daddy or Ella anymore. She got a scared look on her face and said she didn't mean it; she was just mad.

Alfredo had a little talk with Jenni about it today.

I remember once "running away from home" when I was about 8 or 9. I hid outside under a bush for what seemed like forever to me. When I finally came inside, no one had even noticed I was missing. :) I didn't know whether to be angry or sad. And I felt like they should know, but didn't want to just announce it. I don't remember what I did, but I know I never tried it again.


  1. Oh wow. I think you handled it well though.

  2. How sad. I agree with Carin, you did handle that very well! Dr. Phil style. Good job.

  3. WOW! I never would have handled it that way! Or maybe I would have. I don't know. I always try to keep my emotions in check when my children's aren't. That is the downfall of kids playing with kids who are older than them - they learn things that you probably don't want them to. You are a great example for me as a parent!

  4. i was pretty sure that she didn't know what it meant... that it was just one of those things kids say when they are angry. i didn't think she would actually try it, so i wasn't that worried. mostly, i was just surprised that she'd even heard that. but michelle doesn't stay mad long and i know she loves her mommy and family way too much to run away from home at 5 years old...
