Sunday, June 29, 2008

this past week

Here's a quick summary of our past week:

Last Sunday: My dad and grandparents came to dinner at our house. We had a nice visit. My poor grandparents are getting quite elderly and it is sad to see them decline. My grandma has an incredible memory about anything that happened years ago, but her short term memory is shot. I told her 3 times that Suzy (my sister) was in Alaska for her marathon. Each time she seemed surprised that Suzy was already done with her marathon. So sad. And my grandpa has a very hard time getting around. It is so sad to see them get old.

Monday: Alyssa came over to play with the girls. She wants practice babysitting and so she comes over and plays with the girls while I get stuff done. She is wonderful. And she can use it as a service project for young women's personal progress. I was excited when her mom called a couple of weeks ago and asked if we'd let her come and do this once a week, and she has been great.

Also the girls and I went to the park with my Aunt Elaine.

Tuesday: The girls had preschool and I went to my school and organized most of my files. Very productive. Then on Tuesday afternoon, the girls and I went to their edible art class. They made their own personal pizzas with faces and breadsticks.
I had young women's that night... the trek hoedown. I think trek will be so much fun for them. I kind of wish I could go... but it's a week and a half after my baby is due.

Wednesday: Alyssa came over again and we went to Kearns swimming pool. It was fun, but it was a pretty windy day and poor Michelle got so cold. She has no body fat to keep her warm. Somehow I feel less self conscious in a bathing suit being pregnant than I do when I'm not. I guess I feel like I can blame the extra pounds on the baby (even the ones not on my stomach).

Thursday: The girls had preschool. I started babysitting one of Alfredo's friend's baby. She is 8 months old and I'm now babysitting her on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the months of July and August. She is a really good baby. The girls loved playing with her.

Thursday night I had book club. We read I am the messenger by Marcus Zusak. Had a great discussion and Becky turned it into kind of a game. To go with the book, she put questions on playing cards and if you got an ace, you won a prize that related to the book. It was very clever.

Friday: Michelle and Ella got to go play at Jayda's house. Jaylynn watched them for me while I went shopping with Gerri for all the food for girls camp (which is tomorrow through Thursday.) They had a lot of fun with Jayda.
Alfredo and I went out to dinner that night and went to see Get Smart. We both thought it was very funny. The twins, Ashley and Lindsey, babysat for us. The girls love them. They were so excited all day that Ashley and Lindsey were coming. It was nice for us to go out together for a little while.

Saturday: The girls and I went to the library. Alfredo cleaned the carpets in the whole house. They look so much better. We started getting stuff set up in the baby's room.
We all went to Kodi's birthday party. It was a lot of fun. After the girls went to sleep, Alfredo and I watched The Bucket List.

a busy, fun, productive week...

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