Friday, February 26, 2021

Emily Freeman Protection

 In Even This, Emily tells a story of being at her daughters' lacrosse game.  She suddenly had a prompting to pray for protection for Meg.  So she began to pray.  Then just a couple of minutes before the game ends, an opponent shoots the ball and suddenly Meg is on the ground.  Her husband yells for her to grab the keys and they rush Meg to the hospital.  Emily is in shock and wonders why her prayers were ignored.  Meg's eye is swollen beyond recognition.  The emergency room staff take over once they arrive.  Meg is in pain.  Emily feels bitter and angry.  

Then the doctor walks in.  He tells them that Meg is really lucky.  That if it had been a quarter inch lower, her cheekbone would have been shattered.  If it had been a quarter inch higher it would have damaged her eye, if it had been a quarter inch to the left it would have hit a major artery and she might have bled out.  He said, "Your daughter was miraculously protected."

Emily writes, "And for some reason, I had first turned to doubt."

Lessons Learned:  Prayers are heard and answered--though OFTEN not in the way we are expecting.

Miracles occur.  

Our first response should be faith...but for most of us it often isn't our first reaction.

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