Thursday, June 19, 2008

doctor visit

Both of my girls went to the doctor yesterday. Michelle had 20/20 vision and did a great job reading the letters on the chart. Ella didn't want to cooperate. She kept moving around, sitting down and calling any shape she wasn't sure of a triangle. The nurse kept saying, "Look up here. Stand on that line and look right here." She said Ella has 20/30 vision, but I'm not entirely sure if that was accurate or just her guess with an uncooperative 3 year old. I didn't write down their statistics, although I know Ella is about 29 1/2 pounds. But Michelle, while tiny, had gained wieght at her normal pace. And Ella is between lean and average weight... a really good weight gain for her. Both of my girls have always been below average to underweight. So that was good news. They asked Michelle to write her name and draw a picture of herself while we waited for the doctor. I thought she did a great job. She drew herself holding "the new baby" and carefully counted that she drew five fingers and five toes. Wish I'd brought my camera to take pictures of her drawing. Ella had to get one shot, which made her cry. She told me that that was NOT NICE of them. Michelle laughed because she was shot free. Afterward, I took them out to Cold Stone Creamery for ice cream. (My favorite, but a pretty rare treat.) Michelle got vanilla bean ice cream with kit kat mixed in. Ella got cotton candy ice cream with gummy bears. And I got one of the specials that has banana, caramel and nuts (cashews I think? can't remember) mixed into sweet cream ice cream. Yum!

1 comment:

  1. I love cold stone too! My fave is the Founder's Favorite. It has sweet cream ice cream, brownies, carmel, hot fudge, pecans. MMmm and I'm sure all their flavors are fat-free! Well, maybe just for cute mom's like us ha :)
