Saturday, June 7, 2008

handy manny... i mean Michelle

For those who don't know, there's a show on Disney channel called Handy Manny about a repair man. Michelle really likes this show, although I don't think she's seen it for a couple of months now. Today after we got their room set up, we ran back to Ikea. They had a shelving system I wanted for storing toys (about the same as yours Shannon). I'd seen it at Ikea, but wanted to look around and see if other stores had anything better. No one had anything I liked even half as much, so we went back to get it. Michelle was eager to help Alfredo put it together, helping to assemble it and put in screws.

Such concentration
"This is hard, Daddy," she said.
She even got a chance to use the electric one to put in a screw.