Wednesday, June 11, 2008

strange dream

I often have bizarre dreams during pregnancies. This time I had a few early on, but I really haven't had any for a couple of months. Until last night. I dreamt that I went into only 32 weeks, which was the first weird part. Then my mom and stepdad were here (they live in Arizona). They refused to let me go to the hospital. They said that since I had Ella at home and had no problems, I'd be fine to have this baby at home too. And they wanted me to think of all the money we would save if they delivered the baby themselves. I tried to point out that first, we have good health insurance and second, this baby was very early so that I should definitely go to the hospital. But they would not let me leave. Then as the dream progressed, I found out that their main reason for not letting me go to the hospital is that I was only 18, and Alfredo and I were not married and they were upset that we were having another baby again (yes, we did have Michelle and Ella already... guess I started having babies at 13). I told them that I was sorry they were upset, but could we discuss it all AFTER I had the baby. At about this point, I woke up. Grateful to NOT be in labor, not be only 18 having my 3rd child, not be forced to have my baby at home and to know that I am married! :) Pretty crazy.


  1. Funny dream! I didn't know you had Ella at home. Was that scary?

  2. I think it was less scary than the alternative of having her in the car. I know Alfredo would have just kept driving, telling me we were almost there, and I would have delivered her alone in the backseat.

    At my house, I had Alfredo, my neighbor, two police officers and two paramedics. It really wasn't too bad. Not what I planned, of course, but not that bad.

  3. OMG! You seriously had her at home! That is CRAZY!!!!! I want to hear the entire story next time we talk. Don't forget! And, how old are you???

  4. That is very funny and weird. I am amazed that you can remember so many details about your dreams:)

  5. i'll tell you the whole story. i thought everyone had already heard the whole story.

    i don't remember that many details usually, but I was woken up before the dream was done and it was a pretty vivid dream. my dreams during pregnancy often are pretty memorable.
