Tuesday, June 3, 2008

TTA: Favorite sights

For the next five weeks, the Tuesday tell alls are about the five senses. This week is sight. Here are some of my favorite sights.

my girls hugging, kissing, holding hands, dancing together

books... especially a pile of new books from the library, waiting to be read
(I know I have way too many books and this is just a fraction of them)

the beach... the tide rolling in and the lap of the waves on the sand.

My girls laughing.
Ella "reading" to herself.
Michelle dancing... She has rhythm, like her daddy.
My girls sleeping. There is something so sweet and innocent about young children when they are asleep.
the temple... any of them. Salt Lake is special, because that is where we were married. We walked around the grounds of the DC temple on our honeymoon. Many others are very beautiful and all are so peaceful.
my students performing or really working hard and finally "getting it"... there's something magical about seeing kids have an "a-ha" moment
my grandma's house... it has been sold now, but it was always a haven for me as a child. In fact, when I was in labor with Ella, I used it as a focal point to get my mind off my pain and it worked better than I could have imagined. When the contractions were bad, I would imagine I was young and curled up in my grandpa's lap on their couch hearing a story. The images were so vivid that it really kept me from feeling as much pain.


  1. That is a truly beautiful post Jenny!!!!

  2. I loved reading about your favorite sights!

    And as for the Tuesday tell all....where do you find the ideas for that? Is there a link? Maybe a website?
    I love posting on my blog, and it is my only source of journaling! I would love some ideas of what to write about!

  3. the website for Tuesday Tell All is:


    two girls run it. they post a topic on Friday and then they both post their answers on Tuesday. I found it from a friend's blog. I don't do it every week, but I also like getting the ideas of what to write about. (And since I have Young Women's on Tuesday nights, I sometimes cheat and post on Monday or Wednesday.) I used to be a very dedicated journaler, but the last 5 years I have gotten consistently worse and worse. And yet I want to write about the things my kids do and say. Somehow I never found time to do it in a journal, but I find time to blog at least weekly.

  4. Cute idea! I'll have to check it out. I love your new background, and really like that site. The first picture of the girls is darling!
