Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Okay, Shannon, here it goes. But I think I get a break from being tagged for awhile now.

1. What I was doing 10 years ago:

I had just graduated from BYU. I was just about to start my first teaching job. (I hadn't been hired yet at this point, but my first year I taught sixth grade at Mountain View. I then moved down to fifth grade for the next four years.) I was still living in Provo at the time, enjoying my last few months with my roommates, working part time, interviewing for jobs, and wondering where life would take me. My hope/plan was to find a job near Provo and stay near my friends but the job market seemed pretty saturated with teachers. I also followed leads in Granite and Jordan district. In Salt Lake District, all I did was mail in my application/file. They just stumbled upon me somehow. Boy am I glad now. I love where I live and I think Salt Lake District is the best.

2. What 5 things are on my to-do list for today:

Well, as it is 10:30 at night, my to do list for today is to go to bed soon. But here is what today's to-do list entailed:

take girls to preschool, clean out their old room (organize toys in their new room, take unwanted things to DI, vaccuum, etc), have Bryce and Sylas over to play, take girls to our "edible art class", go to Xaria's birthday party, go to Young Women's (and yes, I realize that is more than 5 things)

3. Snacks I enjoy:

Ice cream. Granola bars. Fruit, especially watermelon and strawberries and nectarines. Yogurt. Apples with peanut butter. Nuts, especially almonds. Every once in awhile, popcorn.

4. Things I would do if I was a billionaire:

Pay off my house. (Alfredo would say move to a different state and to a bigger house, but really I'm pretty content here). Make a few changes to my house (new carpet, new tile ... I currently have linoleum, add a garage with an extra bedroom on top). Quit teaching until my kids were bigger. (or perhaps forever, but probably not). Take some vacations/travel. Give some money to Alfredo's family in Costa Rica and, if they'd take it, to my family. Give most of the money away to charities and/or the church's humanitarian efforts.

5. Places I have lived:

Utah(birth to 3 months, age 18 to present). Arizona (3 months old until 18 years old).


  1. Oh yeah, I was supposed to tag people, but honestly, I think I have tagged everyone I know, so if anyone wants to do this Tag, please do so. Otherwise, you're off the hook from me.

  2. Okay, okay. No more tags from me at least until I get tagged again! Kidding! I promise to leave ya alone for a while. I don't know why I always get tagged. I guess I could just ignore them or not pass them on, but I like to see what other's answers are. Are they like mine? What's different? Interesting? Learn a little more each time! Thank you for being a good sport about it!

  3. I don't mind being tagged, and I think it's fun to read other people's. :) I just couldn't think of anyone to tag that I hadn't tagged really recently.
