Sunday, June 22, 2008


So I've been bad over the past year and have just made a pile of all the scrapbook pages I've completed, but haven't gotten them in albums. So I have been working on that over the past week (just a few minutes here and there... it's not really THAT big of a project.) Well, Michelle has a whole album (about 70 pages) of her 18 months. Ella has about 60 pages of her first 3 years! I swore I wouldn't do that... take more pictures of my first child or slack off on subsequent children's albums. And yet I have. Now it's not quite as bad as it seems. I take a lot of photos of both girls together and I've put almost all of those in a family album instead of in their own personal albums. But still.... So yesterday I did about 4 more pages of Ella than of Michelle.

But it seems that I get less done since having two kids...and probably less once number three makes her debut. Most of Michelle's 70 pages were done before Ella was born. Her album of 18 months to 5 years is only about 20 pages. I've just slowed way down in how much I get done.

Don't worry I'm not feeling that guilty... just a little. The main thing is that I have preserved a lot of memories and both of my girls know that I love them.


  1. The exact same thing has happened to me! I swore the same thing too. And now...I'm a huge slacker because I don't think I have done ANY scrapbooking for at least 6 MONTHS!!!! Ugh! (I tell myself that my blog is my new scrapbook, then I don't feel so bad. I will just print off my posts when I'm ready to make an "album"

  2. I said the same thing, and Max has a lot less than Annie...but Minnie has more than both of them because I am constantly taking pictures for the BLOG!!! I plan on printing out an album at the end of each year too!!! Don't feel bad about your scrapbook, Max only has 2 pages done!!! What you have done is AWESOME!!!
