Wednesday, September 3, 2008

the good, the bad and the ugly

The good news: Alfredo found a new job. (I don't think I ever posted that he quit his job at Primary. It's a long story, but he quit about 2 weeks ago.) He didn't really start looking for a new job until last week. His friend Leo told him to apply at his job, Utility Trailer. Alfredo did. They offered him a job running the storeroom there. He'll make almost the exact same wages as he did at Primary Children's after 7 years there. And it's much closer. He started today. He thinks he'll like it. However, it is a 5 day a week job rather than 4 day a week job. Thankfully, Janene is willing and able to watch our girls all 5 days. We love and appreciate her. It's amazing how the Lord takes care of us. The timing on everything just worked out perfectly. His insurance stopped covering us on August 31. I was able to sign up for district insurance that began coverage on Sept. 1. I had really struggled last April/May to decide whether to be half time or full time but felt like being full time was the right decision to make. Even though Alfredo was technically unemployed for only a week, it was reassuring to know that we would be okay since I had my job. Everything has worked out for the best.

The bad: My poor 3 week old Gabrielle is sick. Poor baby girl. She has a fever and has been so fussy and sad last night and today. I took her to the doctor. They couldn't find anything wrong other than the fever. Her fever was 100.3 at first but then 20 minutes later was 99.6. The doctor said that if it went over 100.4, she'd need to go to Primary Children's to have blood tests and stuff done. I feel so bad for her. It's probably some type of infection, and he said probably/hopefully she'd fight it off on her own. but we have to keep an eye on her and take her temp every few hours to see how she's doing.

The ugly: Can't think of much that's ugly. The weather is beautiful. My girls are beautiful. Oh, the dishes piled in my sink are ugly... haven't had the energy or inclination to do them today. Probably my hair too, since I never did it today. :)


  1. All of your family photos are wonderful!

    That little smiley Gabrielle picture is just so precious:)

    I am so relieved for your family now that Alfredo has found a job...very good!

    I am sorry to hear that the baby has a fever, I hope that it goes away soon and that she will start feeling know as well as I do, all of those tests are terrible to watch your baby go through!

  2. I'm sorry to hear your littlest one is not feeling well. That's no fun. It doesn't seem fair that babies should be sick!
    And, I'm with you on the babie's smiling thing...I think they really smile too!

  3. POOR baby!!!! I hope she has the speediest recovery - in history! She's just too little to get sick! Give her a big kiss for me and I'm praying for her to get well!

    I'm so glad Alfredo found a job SO quickly! YAY!! No stress for you there!

    And your hair - it looked just fine today - I saw you - just as lovely as always!

  4. Love the new family photo up top. Congrats on the new job Alfredo! Sorry Gabby's sick. Don't worry about the dishes===they'll still be there tomorrow. ;)

  5. What a beautiful family (yes, even Alfredo).

    Congrats on the new job. There are few things that are as stressful has finding new work.

  6. You know, I would watch "my" girls seven days a week, 24 hours a day! I suppose that wouldn't work out real well for you though. I cannot wait to spend more time with Gabrielle, and Ella is just what the doctor ordered when you need laughs. I can't wait!
