Friday, November 1, 2013

Thankful...Day 1

My neighbor inspired me to blog about one thing I am thankful for each day in November. Today it is so easy to know what to blog about. I am so thankful, so very thankful, for the wonderful women in my ward. My wonderful neighbor, Kyle, died on Wednesday. The funeral is tomorrow. This has been a super busy week for me with work, piano lessons, violin lesson, violin concert and Halloween as well as homework, reading, etc. But our amazing compassionate service leader, Charity, has beautifully organized a luncheon, and so many sisters have volunteered to bring food and to serve and to help with the funeral. I am so thankful to be surrounded by so many women that inspire me daily to be better, to serve more and to be more Christlike.

My first counselor, Susan, texted to find out if we had enough tablecloths and we didn't so she said she would buy some. I thanked her, because I ended up with a migraine this afternoon and it was so helpful to not have to go buy them. About 30 minutes later, she showed up at my door with a water bottle tied with a bow and medicine that she says always takes away her migraines. I am so very thankful for Susan. She supports me and helps me and always makes me feel like I am doing a fabulous job. I am truly so thankful for my presidency and all they do for me and more importantly for the women in our ward. I love them.

I often look around at the women in the ward on Sundays and get tears in my eyes because I am so overwhelmed by gratitude for their goodness and so filled with love for them. I feel like I have had a glimpse of how our Father feels about us, how very much He loves His precious daughters.

My very favorite quote from conference was in Elder Christofferson's talk. He quoted Margaret Nadauld who said, "The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity."

These ARE the kind of women that I have the great blessing of knowing. They are imperfect, bu they are good and they are trying to be better. I am so thankful for their righteous influence in my life and in the lives of my family.

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