Sunday, October 25, 2020

Eubank Crocodile Aid

 Sister Sharon Eubank shared this on her Facebook page yesterday.  I think it is such wise counsel:

The Mara River in Kenya is a place where many wildlife cross at certain times of the year to get to the grasses on the other side. The river is also the home to 15 foot or 5 meter Nile crocodiles, who are always on the lookout for dinner, which often includes antelope.

Like these inexperienced antelope, we may see the dangers in the river but not necessarily recognize them as dangers. Instead, we wade right into the water and the herd follows us. The Lord doesn’t always relieve us of the crocodiles in our lives, but he gives us some helps to get to the other side of the river.

One of these helps is experience. Zebras and wildebeests know what it takes to fight off crocodiles and which parts of the river the crocs don’t like to swim. Who are the zebra and wildebeests in your life? Your list might include parents, friends, ministers, and teachers. I’ve found some of the best “wildebeests” experiences written in the scriptures, and I’m thankful for people who want to help me cross the river successfully.

A second help is a boat. A boat keeps us out of the water, protected, and able to steer and navigate. Our covenants are like protective boats that keep us dry. The gift of the Holy Ghost is a rudder that steers and helps guides the boat. Keeping our covenants so the Holy Ghost can be with us is one of the most important things we can do with our lives.

The third help is a view from above—prophets. From our vantage point, it’s almost impossible to see the wily crocodiles. Prophets can act like a small drone that sees the view from above. The Lord shows them things from a different angle and they tell us about the location and movement of crocodiles.

We have to be spiritually courageous to cross the river. But if you get caught, know this: you are never too far gone. When you repent, the Atonement of Jesus Christ reaches into that croc’s mouth, pulls you out, and puts you back together so that you are once again free.

LESSONS LEARNED: Learn from your experiences (that is a big purpose behind the "3 word journal").

Keep your covenants.

Follow the prophet.

When you make mistakes (and you will), repent. Allow the Atonement of Christ to heal you.

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