Sunday, December 7, 2008

new calling

Two weeks ago I was released from young women's. It is a bittersweet release. I LOVE the young women. But it is a time consuming calling with the midweek activities. So it will be nice to be home with my family more. But I will miss working with the girls. And they are great examples for my own girls.

Today Alfredo and I were called to be primary teachers (together). We will also be on the activities committee. I liked teaching primary in the couple of months I did it two years ago. I'm sure I will like it. I hope Alfredo will as well. I'm hoping it will be good for him.


  1. Now you are joing us in the fun dome!!! what class did you get?

  2. I have had exactly 3 callings my whole life: Achievement Days Leader, Relief Society Secretary, Mia Maid advisor. So, I would love to be in the primary. I'm jealous! I would love to have a calling with my husband!!
    Lucky lucky lady!

  3. We are excited to have you in primary, I think it will be so fun!

  4. That will be great! How nice to get to work with your hubby too. Which class will you be teaching?

  5. I don't know what class we'll be teaching yet. (Maybe you know, Aly?) I'm sure it will be good. I like primary, although I've only been in primary for about 4 months in my life. But I will miss young women's.

  6. we will be teaching the kids that are turning nine this coming year.
