Thursday, April 23, 2009


Two quick gripes that I'll try not to dwell on:

First, a parent called my principal today to complain about me. The frustrating part of this is that all of the complaints were about things that happened months ago and that she had already talked to me about and that I had made changes or explained why I was doing what I was doing. And the mom blatantly lies to me and to others... Frustrating. My principal asked me to come tell my side of the story so we could document it in case the parent tries to take it any farther, and she totally backed me up which was the positive part of the experience.

Second, the legislature removed funding for teacher professional development days for this coming school year. Generally, we get 6 days per year to have training and to work in our classroom (4 days of training, 2 days in our classroom to set up before school starts) and because these are in addition to our contract, we are paid to attend. Because the economy is poor, because the budget is tight, these days were cut. So, we have one day that is part of our contract to set up our classrooms...and actually half of that day will be used for a faculty actually 3 hours. Of course, that is not possible, so we will all still work most or all of the week before school starts (and probably off and on throughout the summer, especially because we have just adopted a new reading program and will get a boatload of materials to unpack and organize and learn how to use). But we will work for free...because we are dedicated professionals. Now, I'm sure that some people are thinking that teachers get paid plenty and that we're always complaining. I don't think most people realize how much time and effort most of us put in. And I do realize that I am lucky to have a good job. And I do get a decent salary. Definitely things could be worse. But it is still frustrating. We will work 30 or more hours before the school year starts and not be paid a penny. We will then have to do any training after school or during breaks.

Okay, enough griping. I have had a great school year other than a couple of bad days. I'm disappointed about the professional development days. I am frustrated by this parent. But I have a great school, a great principal and have had one of the nicest classes I've ever taught. I have been very blessed to have a job that I consider valuable and important and that I mostly love doing. It's hard to juggle it all at times, but I know that I'm blessed.


  1. O MY!!!! We haven't been informed of the cut in ppds..... I'm sure it's coming TOMORROW at staff meeting! UGH!!! I am SO upset! I need that time! But... the difference is: I probably won't work... I don't have a classroom to set up, and will likely work extra hours to get schedules, paperwork, etc. etc. etc. done at the beginning of the school year! BLAH!

  2. That really does SUCK! I'm so sorry! I'm so surprised that the education is being cut at ALL. We have (meaning Utah) if I'm not mistaking, the lowest or one of the lowest paid teachers in the country! It's a shame that they took anything away from our schools and basically our future!

  3. The budget cuts passed the legislature a month or more ago. But districts were told that if they could/wanted to fund some professional development days then that was fine. Our district went into negotiation with the association, but in the end, all six days were cut. It was just announced at the administrators meeting on Wednesday so we just found out.

    Sadly, I'm not that surprised that education is being cut. ...We knew there was a strong likelihood it would happen. They were discussing cutting the 2% contribution made to our 401K as well, but fortunately that didn't happen. And they are saying that in the future, we may get our prof. development days back... but I have my doubts. Unfortunately, our legislature is great at making promises and not so good at following through. I think it was two years ago that we were promised a couple thousand dollars as a one time bonus. But then the legislature said they had miscalculated the number of teachers in the state huge margins. So it ended up being about $700, less than half of what was promised....still nice but not what they promised.Argh! I realize that being a teacher has perks (long summers, days off) but it is also a lot of work and is often pretty thankless.

  4. Sometimes parents do more harm than they know. My first year I had a mom tell me she was going to take my job away because I was such a bad teacher. Some parents bug me. I feel your pain and I am sooo Sorry.

    As for money cuts. Our school has to loose 2 teachers. The principle was really glad I quit because she did not want o fire or surplus two, now she just had to do it to one. I think all district are having to tighten their belts.

  5. We just got the news today at staff meeting! AND... OUR budgets are being cut! By 1/3!!!! UGH! As if we can do what we need to do with NO money! My boss was telling me that we are rather lucky in our district so far... there are districts who are on a hiring freeze and we haven't lost any positions (at least in Special Ed/Speech depts.)... Scary times! It can ONLY get better!
    btw... we DO still get our two prep days that are in the calendar! Does that help? probably not, but I was glad!

  6. BTW..... THANK you SO MUCH for the teramisu (spelled wrong)! It was DELIC!!!!!

  7. the two days in the calendar will help...but only one of them is before school starts for us. so we get one day to set up.... i'm going to try to just go in for a few hours at a time every couple of weeks over the summer and just arrange playdates for my kids or something so I don't have to work the whole week before school starts. oh well. like i said it could definitely be worse and our district is being hit a lot less than many.

  8. hey Jenny... call me anytime you want to go in! I think I have to work a few days during the summer to do testing as well... maybe we could trade??? Not that I won't just keep the girls anyway, but it would be fun for all of them, I think!

  9. Hate to rub salt in the wound, but I have a gripe about this also. When I left Utah for Texas, I got an immediate $10,000 pay raise--teaching the same thing! And that was 10 years ago. Who knows now? Teachers are underpaid, but Utah teachers are way underpaid--way off the scale of being underpaid! And with bigger class sizes as well! That stinks!!
