Wednesday, April 29, 2009

happy birthday Ella!

I will post more later, but just wanted to wish my Ella bo bella a very happy fourth birthday!!! I was surprised this morning when she asked Alfredo if he was staying home with her for her birthday. He did last year, but unfortunately, with his
new(er) job he can't this year. I was surprised that she remembered, but pleased!!

I love my sweet Mirielle. She has the biggest brown eyes and is such a sweet girl. For preschool, she had to tell what makes her happy. She said being with mommy is what makes her happy! That made me nearly cry. She is such a good big sister to Gabrielle and she is learning so many things and growing so fast. She loves the gospel (she now basically bears her testimony in every is so cute). Happy birthday sweet girl!!!


  1. ELLA BELLA BOO!!!! HOW did I NOT know it was your birthday today???? I will bring you something special this weekend, k!!! LOVE YOU!! Xaria and Ty say happy birthday to you!!

  2. Happy birthday Ella! You're getting so big!!!

  3. Happy belated birthday Ella. It was so fun to see you at church yesterday. You look so sweet in your pretty dress.

  4. Wow, time flies - and they grow so fast! Happy Birthday to that cute little Ella!
