Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like...

Everywhere I go.
Tulips and no snow.
Grass that Alfredo mowed.
The green kind that grows and grows...

Hooray!!! Spring is my favorite time of year. Alfredo came home from work today and right after dinner he mowed the grass. Something about those clean lines in the grass and the green and the flowers made me almost cry with joy. I love spring!!!! These pictures are really not that spectacular, but hopefully you can see the freshly mown grass and a few daffodils and tulips. What a glorious day!


  1. ME TOO!!! When we got home today, I came inside for a minute, thought twice of it and went right back outside! I called mike and told him to bring dinner home! There was NO way I was coming back in to cook! IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!!

  2. I enjoy the extremes with my lawn...I like it covered with snow when it's brown, and when it's green, I like to show it off!
    BUT I love love love spring and fall too...not too hot, not too cold! :)
