Wednesday, July 2, 2008

an aunt again

My sister Rebecca had her third baby yesterday. Hannah Ackroyd was born at 8:35 PM in Alberta, Canada. She was eight pounds, 14 ounces and 20 inches long. I haven't got any pictures yet, but when she emails some, I will post them.

Rebecca was due on June 20. Living in Canada, procedure is that you aren't induced until 11 days after your due date. And apparently, on the day you are to be induced, the hospital can call anytime between 8 AM and 8 PM to have you come in and be induced. So Rebecca waited around for the call. By four PM, she was having regular, but mild, contractions on her own. She decided to head for the hospital and see if they would admit her. I guess it took almost an hour to be seen by a doctor, but they did admit her and her baby was born naturally a few hours later. Hooray!

Our kids have all been born within 4 months of each other. Her son Evan and my Michelle are 4 months apart (Evan is older). Ella was born 2 months before Sarah. Now her Hannah will be about one month older than our new one (probably Gabrielle?!).

Too bad our families don't live closer and don't get to see each other very often!


  1. congrats to you and your sister! That is so neat that both you and your sister's kids are so close in age. Instant play date (if they lived closer)

  2. Aunthood is AWESOME! I love all of my nephews and my one niece dearly. Hopefully you have other ways to keep in touch with your sister and her family! How sweet that they are all the same ages!!
