Thursday, July 3, 2008


As I mentioned before, I am now watching a friend's baby two days a week (Tues./Thurs.). Her name is Lily and she is 8 months old. She is a cutie. My girls adore her. I can tell they will both be great big sisters for this new baby, because they love Lily and any other baby they have been around. Although Ella may just drive me bonkers, asking to hold the new baby. She thinks she should get to hold the baby all day long. Lily does not agree. Here are a few shots of them today: Lily is not that much smaller than Ella. She did not want Ella to hold her... she wanted to crawl around and play. Ella was determined to put Lily on her lap. You can see Lily's dismay.
Michelle and Lily... She was okay being held for the moment
Look at her beautiful blue eyes.
Poor baby is teething and tried to chew everything within reach today.
She's a pretty sweet baby and usually fairly content. She was a little fussy this morning but had a happy afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a good friend! People just know who they can count on, don't they! :)
