Saturday, July 19, 2008

pics of Ella

Ella saw the last post about Michelle and her commercial viewing. She said, "Why aren't there pictures of me?" So here are a couple of shots of Ella taken in the past few weeks. Have I mentioned Ella's new favorite saying? It's "I'm trying." As in, we ask her to come to the kitchen to eat her dinner. "I'm trying." We ask her to calm down, stop crying and tell us what is wrong and she says, "I'm trying." We tell her it's time to get in the tub, "I'm trying." Sometimes she is, but most of the time she isn't and it's just a stalling tactic.

1 comment:

  1. Too funny! I'm pretty sure she has pulled the "I'm trying" card with me too.
    I just adore your girls!
    I forgot to tell you something. The other day, Michelle was talking about Braeda (she brings her up a lot), and how she doesn't come to preschool any more. She wanted to make sure that Braeda and I still saw each other. (But I think what she REALLY wanted to know is if her and I would still see each other once she is in Kindergarten.)
    I wasn't sure what to say, because in truth, Braeda and I haven't seen each other. But I told Michelle that I have seen Braeda just once, BUT I read Braeda's blog all the time, just like I read yours.
    (I really do read Braeda's blog, and you know I read yours)
    That's the hard part about teaching isn't it? Knowing that some of the children you are closest to, you won't see again. Or worse, they won't remember who you are!!
