Wednesday, July 23, 2008

TTA: Pioneer spirit

Alfredo is a pioneer in his family in many ways. He left home at 18 to come to the United States on his own. He quickly learned English and began studying at the University of Maryland (but never did finish his degree... perhaps someday.) He also is the only member of his family to join the LDS church.

I have many pioneer ancestors. Many of my ancestors crossed the plains in wagons or handcarts. One of my ancestors on my mom's side was a bodyguard for the prophet (I think Joseph Smith, but it may have been Brigham Young.) On my dad's side, we are descended from Lorenzo Dow Young, one of Brigham Young's brothers. Lorenzo was close to the spirit, even as a child. When he was about 9 years old, he had a dream that the Savior came to him in a carriage. The Savior asked where his brother Brigham was. Then He asked where the rest of the family was. Christ said that he wanted the whole family, but especially Brigham. It was such a powerful dream that he awoke and could not sleep the rest of the night. Throughout his life he had many spiritual experiences and did his best to live faithfully and to serve the Savior and others.

I have a binder that contains short biographies about many of my ancestors. I am so grateful for the faith and courage that they had. I know that my life has been blessed because of their faithfulness.

1 comment:

  1. That is so neat!
    You are my idol for knowing your family history!!!!!
