Tuesday, July 15, 2008

zoo trip

As I mentioned, we went to the zoo last Wednesday with Shannon, Xaria and Tylan. We had a great time. Here are just a few shots from our fun trip. Poor Ella wouldn't take a nap that day. She was too excited to go to the zoo. So then she fell asleep in the car and was completely out. She missed the alligator and elephants, but fortunately she woke up in time for the monkeys and the rest of the animals.
Ty-Ty... such a boy. After climbing on the statue of the rhino, he had to stick his hand in the rhino's nose and eyes! :)
Xaria and Michelle on the rhino statue
riding the carousel
Ella had fun pushing Michelle in the stroller... Here she is going around and around in circles.
Mommy and Michelle on the train
We had so much fun!


  1. Looks like you had a great time! I just love the zoo!

  2. Thanks for coming with us! We had so much fun!!! We'll have to do it again sometime - after the baby comes and it's not so hot. I felt so bad that it was that hot and hello - you are so pregnant! ;)
