Tuesday, July 8, 2008

TTA: Proud to be an American

This week's Tuesday Tell All is to explain why you are proud to be an American.

Here are a few reasons: First and foremost, I am grateful and proud to be an American because of our freedoms, in particular freedom of religion. I am grateful that we are able to choose which church to belong to and are not persecuted, imprisoned, etc. for our beliefs.

I'm grateful for our other freedoms as well: freedom of speech, freedom of press, right to bear arms, right to vote, etc.

I'm grateful to live in a land where we get to choose our leaders.

I'm grateful for the soldiers, past and present, who have fought for and protected our rights.

I'm grateful to live in a land of beauty. I love the song America the Beautiful. This truly is a land of beauty. We have mountains, oceans, rivers, waterfalls, deserts, prairies, forests, lakes, and canyons. Many of these can be found right here in Utah where I live.

I'm proud to live in a land where so many great inventions have been made and where people continue to create new inventions and innovations.

I'm proud to live in a land where we have the opportunity to choose what we will do for a living and who we will be.

I'm grateful to live in a land where I can choose who my doctor is and can have a say in the treatments I receive.

I'm grateful that I can choose how many children to have.

I'm grateful that I can read what I choose to read.

I'm proud to live in a land that believes in God. God bless the USA!


  1. I think you have summed it up perfectly. I think I will just highlight and paste what you said to my blog :) (Just kidding)

  2. That made me laugh, Brandi! :)
