Saturday, May 24, 2008

Busy Friday

Friday morning I went and did the 4 hour glucose tolerance test. I'm glad I took lots with me to do, because it isn't very exciting sitting there for 4 hours. I'll have the results sometime this week (I have a doctor's appointment Thursday, so I'll find out by then at the latest.)
Interestingly, while I was sitting there, one of the assistants from my school came out from a doctor's appointment. She is due two days after me and she has the same doctor I have. So now I know two people who are due within two weeks of me and have the same doctor, Dr. Froerer at Cottonwood OB/Gyn (located at the new Intermountain Medical Center). Funny that all 3 of us would have the same doctor and be due at almost the same time, especially when I think they are the only two friends I have that are pregnant right now.

After I got home, Alfredo, the girls and I went to Ikea. We are moving the girls into a bedroom downstairs since our home only has 2 bedrooms upstairs. I still think they are a little young to be downstairs, but they are excited about it. We told them they could buy new comforters for their beds (the ones they have now were given to us; they are fine, but getting new comforters and painting their bedroom have made them really excited about the move). So we bought the comforters and sheets and little canopies to hang over their beds. I'd only been to Ikea once before, several years ago in CA, and I have to admit that I only thought it was so-so. But going yesterday, they have a lot of cool things.

Then last night, a whole big group of us from our neighborhood went out to dinner at Applebees and then went to see Indiana Jones. There were 15 of us at dinner and then a couple more joined us for the movie. It was a lot of fun. I hope we do it again sometime soon. Alfredo and I had a great time. He talked to people that he really doesn't know that well and I think everyone had a good time. Thanks for organizing it, Aly and Carin. Let's do it again soon. (BTW, we missed you Nene and Shannon... next time you have to join us.)

Today, I've been feeling pretty nauseated. It's probably just a side effect from the iron I'm taking. But I felt pretty lousy. I'm glad it's the weekend and that I didn't have to work today.


  1. Sorry you weren't feeling good today. You looked great though. I meant to tell you that, but got distracted. I liked your shirt.

  2. I totally want to go next time. And I talked to Mike again and he said he'd probably go! A bit shy around new people, he is!
