Thursday, May 29, 2008

I can still eat sugar!

Well, as I mentioned, I took the four hour glucose test last Friday. My nurse called Tuesday and left a message saying it came back just fine. I went to the doctor today and they said that I aced the glucose test and I don't need to worry. Hooray. I think, aside from my sugar addiction, that I'm a pretty healthy eater, but I'm glad I don't have to go on a strict diet or take my blood sugar level daily or anything.

And, I'm back to feeling good. I think I must have had a virus over the weekend, because I was so nauseated and had diarrhea (sorry, probably too much info) and felt lousy. I thought maybe it was the iron, but I went 3 days without taking it and still felt lousy. And then yesterday, I suddenly felt better. (Although poor Michelle seems to have a mild case of whatever I had and she felt terrible on Wednesday. Poor kiddo. She took a nap and then just laid on the couch or in my bed from about 5 PM on, until she fell asleep for the night. She seemed to feel a lot better today).


  1. Yay! Congrats. I'm glad you can still be a junk food junkie with me!

  2. I'm glad your test came out just fine. Sorry you've been under the weather. Ty still isn't feeling all that great either!

  3. I think it's going around! Ashley hasn't been feeling well for about the last 3 or 4 days!
    Good thing you can eat sugar though! I don't know where I'ld be without it!
