Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ella's sling

Well, Ella's fractured collar bone sure doesn't seem to be slowing her down at all. I must adjust the sling 20 times a day and a couple minutes later, it's halfway off. She won't lift her arm abover her head, but other than that, she's not showing any signs of being hurt. She fell down stairs yesterday (outdoor stone steps) and nearly gave Alfredo and I heart attacks. She cried for several minutes but then was back up and running and playing. I don't know if I just never noticed how often she falls or if she's fallen more than normal, but she seems to be falling multiple times each day and each time I just cringe. I hope her collar bone (clavicle) will heal properly despite her numerous tumbles. It's still a little swollen, but as long as no one touches it, she is off and running (literally). And climbing and jumping. I have tried to keep her calm, but it seems nearly impossible. Here are a few shots of her with her sling.
the day after it happened when she was still hurting a lot. thank goodness for sundresses and loose shirts that don't make her lift up her arm to get dressed.

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