Tuesday, May 13, 2008

my poor ella

Yesterday I took the day off since Michelle had thrown up on Sunday. Michelle was fine, but Ella had a low fever and didn't seem to be feeling too good. She complained several times that her arm hurt but it looked okay and she was grumpy and crying about everything.

Well, today after I picked her up from Janene's, Alfredo noticed that the area by her shoulder was swollen. He decided we better take her to insta-care. Which we did. They looked at it and took an x-ray. She broke her clavicle. I'm not sure how, although she'd rolled off her bed early Monday morning and that's probably how it happened. But the doctor said that in young kids, the clavicle can break with just about any fall. She's a tough little cookie. When we got to insta-care, she asked if the doctor was going to cut her open. (perform a surgery like her open heart surgery). She cried a tiny bit when she got the xray but that was it. So poor Ella is supposed to wear a sling (with Snoopy and the Peanut gang on it) for 2-3 weeks. Poor thing fell asleep in the car on the way home. I feel so bad. I should have taken her to instacare yesterday. Poor sweet girl.


  1. Oh how VERY sad!! I hope that she is not too miserable while it heals, and I hope that it heals quickly!! Don't feel bad, I think with our first ones we rush to the doctors for everything, and with the second (and third) we tend to wait it out! I felt so bad that I didn't take Minnie in sooner when I found out she had RSV!!! Give Ella a hug for us and let her know that she is in our thoughts and prayers!!

  2. I'm so sorry! Xaria broke her collar bone when she was two. It was AMAZING how quickly she healed, though! She will be in pain for several days. Just try and keep her calm! Tell her we are thinking about her and let me know if you need anything!

  3. I'm sorry too. Poor kiddo. Poor mommy (the guilt factor).

    How old was she when she had her last surgery? I thought she was really young--maybe a year old. I'm surprised she remembers it.

  4. Poor Ella. Give her a hug for us. Don't be hard on yourself. Dalin has broken many bones in his body and we didn't know about most of them until he was getting x-rays for other problems. Kid's are tough.

  5. she seems to be doing okay. she kept her little sling on all day. she seems to need motrin at night but during the day she seems all right. poor sweet girl. thanks for your kind thoughts.

    her surgery was a year and a half ago. she was 19 months old. then she got rsv a month later and was hospitalized for 3 days. she has definitely not forgotten her surgery. she never minded going to the doctor/hospital before but cries most of the time now.
