Saturday, May 24, 2008

preschool graduation

Michelle had her preschool graduation on Thursday. She finished her second year at Write Start Preschool. She loved preschool and begged me to sign her up for summer school. So she will still get to see her wonderful teacher, Mrs. Barnett, for a couple more months. Ella is also excited, because she gets to start preschool in 2 weeks and go to summer school with Michelle.

Michelle's graduation was a nice program where the kids sang several songs and in between each song, 3 parents stood up and talked briefly about what their child had learned. Then Brandi had created a video that we watched and she gave each of us a copy. (Check out the video at the Write Start Preschool blog, if you're interested. It's so cute.)

Michelle loves to sing and dance. She has a natural sense of rhythm that she definitely inherited from Alfredo, not from me. It was fun to watch her not just sing and do the actions, but sway to the music. She can't seem to hear music without dancing or moving/grooving. :)

Here she is displaying her graduation certificate. I can't believe how big she has gotten or all that she knows now. I am especially impressed with how much she is starting to like to write. This morning I was making out a grocery list, and she wanted to help. So she wrote salad and butter on my list. I just helped her sound out the words, but she figured out the letters and wrote them. I'm really proud of her. I'm so grateful that she had such a great teacher and hope that she will always love school as much as she does right now.
Sorry... this is a poor picture. Ella was sitting on my lap and "helping" me take pictures. Apparently, she changed settings without me realizing it and neither of the pictures I took of Michelle with her teacher turned out very well. But this is Michelle with her wonderful teacher, Mrs. Barnett.


  1. I love the pics you took from graduation! I'm glad you liked the dvd too! I really had fun making for this summer...I'm excited to have your two girls together! Michelle can show Ella the "ropes".
    Also, thank you for making me feel appreciated! It means a lot to me! p.s. I am going to copy those pics and put them on the p.s. blog

  2. Brandi, I have lots more that don't just have Michelle in them if you want me to email them to you or something. Let me know. I really didn't take any of the kids in the other class since she doesn't know them, but I took several that had kids in her class.
