Monday, May 26, 2008

treehouse museum

Today the girls and I spent the day at the treehouse museum in Ogden. We'd never been before. The girls had a fabulous time. I'll post some pics and tell a little more about it tomorrow. It's time for me to retire for the night, despite having taken a short nap this afternoon. I have to work tomorrow. (But there are only 9 more days of work for me, and since I'm taking a personal day on Weds., there are only actually 8 more days.... Hurray!! I'll have to go to work several times over the summer to get things ready for my sub during my maternity leave, but I am so excited to have this year done.)


  1. I've never heard of this before. Can't wait to see the pics & what this place is all about.

  2. Okay, I just caught up on your most recent post's!! We have a lot in common....Africa, heights, changing character names to our kids, and there were a few more:) can't remember them now that I'm not on your blog page!!! Anyways, I think we should go out again soon too!!! Can't wait until you're done at school so we can play more!!!!
