Friday, May 9, 2008

i'm reading

Last night, Michelle came and said, "Mommy, get Ella to come and play with me." I walked into my room and said, "Ella, why don't you play with Ella." Her response: "Not right now. I'm busy reading. Tell her I'll play when I'm done reading." (I have probably said this a few times to my kids... it's always interesting to hear your words parroted back at you.)
I think both of my girls will be readers. (With me as a mom, how can they not be?) But Ella seems like it may be even more her thing than Michelle's. She has several books she can "read" to me (that she's memorized) and she is always asking me to read her "bookies". She loves to be read to.

This last pic has nothing to do with the post, but I thought it was cute and funny and it was also taken last night. Michelle is one cool dude.


  1. You are such a good example to your girls! The only thing my kids probably ever see me reading is the blogs!! LOL!! Well, and I do spend a lot of time reading to them of course!

  2. Don't be surprised if she is READING very soon!
