Sunday, May 18, 2008

Michelle's birthday

Happy 5th Birthday to my sweet Michelle. Her birthday was Wednesday. We really didn't do anything for her on Wednesday, but Alfredo took the day off on Thursday. He took the girls to Hollywood Connection. He didn't take the camera, so I don't have any photos of their fun. When they got home, Ella was asleep. So we ate dinner without her. Then Michelle wanted to have her cake right then. So she blew out her candles without Ella and ate cake while Ella was still sleeping. :)

Michelle also got a new outfit from Alfredo. I tried to get her to model it for me, but she was just being goofy and so there are just silly shots.

She has the best laugh. I love it.


  1. Michelle does have a great laugh! She's such a silly girl! Cute shirt and happy birthday to her!

  2. Silly shots are the best! Happy B-Day Michelle! *hug*
